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Tone your back, biceps and lower body with this quick HITT workout

By Maria Barr

Looking for a fast, simple workout you can do on the go, in the comfort of your own home or at a gym? Look no further. This HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout focuses on the lower body, back and biceps. I’m giving you four combo exercises to keep your heart rate up and your muscles feeling the burn. Take one whole minute per exercise and repeat it at least four times; that’s 16 minutes of burn. For a HITT workout, there’s no resting in between. Or, you can slow each one down and repeat the exercise 12-15 reps each for four rounds through.

(Watch the video of Maria demonstrating the moves below.)


Reverse lunge and bicep curl: This is for the quads and the biceps. Start standing with both legs together, and step backward as you bend both arms and both knees. Reach for the ground with your stepping knee, and reach for the shoulders, palms up, with the bicep curl. Alternate sides.


Side lunge and bicep curl: This is for the abductors, glutes and biceps. Start standing with both feet together, and step out with one leg at a time. Push the hips back as you lunge, and pull the arms up with palms in. Alternate sides.


Plank row and push-up: These target the entire body — core, chest, triceps and back. This can be done on the knees or with knees off the ground. Make sure to keep the hips and shoulders in line and the shoulders over the wrists. If you’re on your knees, make sure you press the hips toward the ground in line with the shoulders to keep the core active. Row while in plank with each arm one time and do one push-up. Repeat.


Sumo squat and upright row: This works the glutes, quads and upper back. Start in a wide stance, wider than the shoulders, then hinge at the hips, reach the weights to the ground, stand up tall and pull the weights up under your chin. Keep your elbows higher than your wrists.




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Maria Scafide Barr (@ms_krewe01) • Instagram photos and videos

Maria S. Barr is a fitness instructor, educator and entrepreneur who serves as brand manager and a master trainer with Barre Intensity. Reach her at

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