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    You don’t have to be a financial statistic

    Statistics are interesting numbers. Some people love them, and others think they are a way to twist things to a particular advantage. Even knowing that results can be skewed, I still like to review financial statistics. I use them as conversation starters, an impetus if you will, to encourage people to step back and take […]

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    De-influence your finances

    Did you know that the general financial advice you get online or from your favorite financial “guru” can be wrong for you just as often as it is right? Read that again. There is a 50-50 chance that the guidance you get online or from listening to a financial personality or a random person on […]

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    Do you have financial wisdom?

    According to CNBC, a lack of financial literacy cost 15 percent of adults at least $10,000 in 2022. The average cost, according to the nonprofit National Financial Educators Council, of financial illiteracy to individuals in 2022 was $1,819. How much has your financial literacy or lack thereof cost you in the past year? The average […]

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    3 simples steps to a better financial future

    Have you ever looked at the lives of people you know or don’t know and wondered how they became financially successful? For a split second, you may question what you are or aren’t doing, then go about your life. These moments present missed opportunities to have the life and financial success you desire. You see, […]

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    The pros and cons of The Secure Act 2.0

    A recent study by Boston College reflects what many of us in the financial industry already knew: Americans are not saving enough for retirement. This means that many retirees will experience a lower standard of living in what should be their “golden years.” What about you? The money you set aside now largely will determine […]

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