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    Parents, rethink how you plan to pay for college

    Conventional wisdom tells us that we should start saving for our children’s college education when they are born. It also gives us the generally accepted ways to do so: 529 savings plans, mutual funds, custodial accounts under a UGMA (Uniform Gifts to Minors Act) or UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act), U.S. savings bonds, Cordell […]

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    Grads, you need insurance

    My insurance agency recently participated in an Adulting Day, which involved meeting with local high school seniors and introducing them to skills they will need as they enter the adult world. Topics included setting budgets, changing a tire, sewing a button and more. As part of the finance module, students had to make their income […]

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    The real cost of insurance fraud — and why you need coverage

    The prevalence of fraud ends up costing all of us more money. Insurance fraud is intentionally deceiving an insurance company for financial gain. It could involve falsifying information, inflating the value of damages or other deceptive behavior. Those who submit bogus claims will have coverage denied and likely canceled. Fraud is illegal and will result […]

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    To file, or not to file

    It’s never enjoyable to have to make an insurance claim. However, if you must file a claim, here are a few things to know: • Review your policy before you file a claim to be certain there may be coverage. Each policy provides for coverage in the event a covered peril causes damage to your […]

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    Let’s not be afraid to talk about money

    As we enter spring, let’s refresh our perspective about having financial conversations. Our relationship with money often is shaped by personal experience and beliefs that were ingrained in us from a young age. Many of us were taught that money is a private matter that should not be discussed openly. Some may even consider it […]

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