The rate on your home loan is not the only one to consider when you’re refinancing for debt consolidation. Managing consumer debt efficiently is challenging these days. Interest rates on everything from cars to credit cards are higher than they’ve been for some time. Average rates on existing credit card debt have risen from the […]
There are millions of small businesses thriving in the U.S., ranging from construction to grocery stores to home-based enterprises. Most entrepreneurs are risk takers and willing to invest their resources into their business. But, as we all know, no matter how diligent or responsible you are, things can go wrong. Some possible catastrophes include natural […]
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Retirement is coming: Are you prepared?
Are you ready for your retirement years? We often push off retirement preparation because we assume we have time. Unfortunately, time becomes our enemy when we postpone financial planning. For some, life is like a spontaneous vacation, never planning, always moving from one place, job or relationship to the next. We all know people who […]
Shopping is a common and enjoyable activity, but the line between a healthy interest and an addiction can easily blur. Understanding the different types of shopping addiction can help those who struggle recognize their own patterns and, if necessary, seek help. 1. CREDIT CARD ADDICTION Credit card addiction refers to a compulsive need to accumulate […]
Conventional wisdom tells us that we should start saving for our children’s college education when they are born. It also gives us the generally accepted ways to do so: 529 savings plans, mutual funds, custodial accounts under a UGMA (Uniform Gifts to Minors Act) or UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act), U.S. savings bonds, Cordell […]
My insurance agency recently participated in an Adulting Day, which involved meeting with local high school seniors and introducing them to skills they will need as they enter the adult world. Topics included setting budgets, changing a tire, sewing a button and more. As part of the finance module, students had to make their income […]
The prevalence of fraud ends up costing all of us more money. Insurance fraud is intentionally deceiving an insurance company for financial gain. It could involve falsifying information, inflating the value of damages or other deceptive behavior. Those who submit bogus claims will have coverage denied and likely canceled. Fraud is illegal and will result […]