Almost nothing makes you feel freer than your prized vehicle. Making a car insurance purchase is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Having the right coverage can protect you financially in case of an accident or other unforeseen events. Here are some steps to help you make an informed auto insurance purchase: 1. DETERMINE […]
Angelyn Treutel Zeringue
Angelyn Treutel Zeringue is President of SouthGroup Insurance Services, a CPA, PWCAM, CBIA and licensed Trusted Choice Insurance Agent. Reach her at, (228) 385-1177 or
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Insurance works by transferring the risk of financial loss from the policyholder to the insurance company. When someone purchases an insurance policy, he or she pays a premium to the insurance company in exchange for coverage against certain risks, such as illness, injury, property damage or other losses. One type of coverage that is worth […]
Apartment living is great, with close neighbors and shared amenities. However, there are still risk exposures you should understand so you can protect yourself and your belongings. When you don’t own your home, you may not think about insurance. Your landlord probably is insuring the asset he or she owns, which is the actual structure […]
I often hear people say it could never flood where they are, but I have learned to never say never. Areas that never flooded before have been taking on water due to nearby developments or natural or manmade changes in the geographic area. Even if you don’t think you’re at risk, preparation is just as […]
It helps protect your profits by shielding you from sudden, catastrophic expenses, such as a natural disaster or a major lawsuit. Here are the top five things you should know about business insurance: 1. WHAT IS A BUSINESS OWNER’S POLICY? A business owner’s policy, or “BOP,” is insurance coverage designed specifically for small or medium-sized […]
Tis the season for gifts and family celebrations, bonfires and feasts. Amid all the festivities, please keep the following in mind: December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month ( If you are impaired while celebrating, don’t get behind the wheel. An automobile crash will increase your insurance costs. Plus, you will be inconvenienced […]
Many people don’t want to think about life insurance. However, the most important reason to consider it is to prevent financial hardship for your loved ones if you are no longer around. If no one depends on you financially, you have no debt and your estate has enough cash to pay its own taxes and […]
If you are starting or expanding a business, it’s a good idea to review your risks and exposures. You can address some risks, like theft, with a good security system, but acts of nature may be out of your control and are best covered with insurance. COVERAGE FOR ACTS OF NATURE EXPOSURES: Property Insurance: Provides […]
Each day, I spend time with clients who are distraught by very high insurance rate increases. With inflation, back-to-back destructive hurricane seasons, rising construction costs and more, insurance expenses also are increasing for property coverage, particularly flood insurance. WHAT CAN YOU DO? There are hundreds of insurance companies available, and all have different rate structures […]
Baby, it’s hot, hot, hot! Temperatures in many areas of the nation are soaring to 90 degrees and above — so scorching that everyone just wants to relax in a pool. As enjoyable as they can be, swimming pools also present many potential hazards. Safety always should be the top concern of anyone who owns […]