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Get glowing skin this spring

By Melissa New 

Just like we do spring cleaning in our homes, we need to do the same with our skin. Here are four easy steps to make your skin gorgeous for the new season: 


It’s no secret that sloughing off winter’s dry skin is the key to unveiling a radiant spring glow. With cold, dry air comes dry, flaky skin; therefore, spring is a good time to step up how often you exfoliate, as your skin tends to accumulate dead skin cells over the colder months. 

As the weather warms up and the humidity increases, we are better able to tolerate acids and stronger formulations of active ingredients. Spring is the prime time to return to exfoliating and brighten the dull skin that has accumulated during winter. Both chemical and physical exfoliation can be incorporated into your spring skincare routine. 

Since exfoliation is key to having a great complexion and a higher absorption rate for gentler products, booking a series of light peels or microdermabrasions with your aesthetician is ideal. These treatments quickly exfoliate, trigger collagen production and are a great first step in achieving a youthful complexion. You also will receive the best prescription for your at-home care. 

These treatments are wonderful to have each time the seasons change. Visit your aesthetician every four to six weeks for optimal results. 


The earth is physically closer to the sun during warmer months, so UV rays are stronger. Increasing the SPF to at least 50 while assuring the products offer broad-spectrum protection is key to ensuring adequate sun protection in the spring and summer. 


While heavy creams feel like a godsend on dry winter skin, applying them on a sticky, sweaty face is a different story. As the temperatures and humidity increase, we can switch to lighter moisturizers containing humectants and emollients. With humectants and emollients, your moisturizer will feel better on your skin. 


Antioxidants can and should be used year-round, but they are particularly helpful during the spring and summer months to avoid sun damage. Think of it like an insurance policy on your sunscreen. When the skin is exposed to UV rays from the sun, free radicals are generated that can damage DNA and accelerate the breakdown of collagen and elastin. The most popular antioxidants are Vitamin C and E, and they can help by stabilizing the free radicals and decrease sun damage. 

Melissa New is an independent, licensed aesthetician and owner of New Skin Care, based in Gulfport at Doctors Care. Reach her at (501) 328-7984. 

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