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Rita Womble’s Transformation Story


As an obese adult, I had several weight-generated diagnoses that came with accompanying medications: diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I’d also had one round of knee injections. When the knee pain started interfering with my work at the hospital, I became acutely aware that something needed to change. 


My first goal was to see whether I could reduce the dosage of prescription medication I was taking, as well as ease some of my knee pain. I wanted to come out from under a body mass index of 40, which gave me an “obese” classification for medical and insurance purposes. It was a label I was sick of seeing. 


I sought out a program that had a medical director, a registered dietitian and maintenance. I deemed these the three attributes of a sustainable program. I was looking for a way to lose weight and keep it off, and I wanted to see the statistics for sustained success. 

At age 65, I needed this to be the “last stop” on my weight-loss journey. I also was looking for a program that didn’t have exercise at the forefront due to my knee issues. 

I found a health coach and a program that met all the criteria I sought. Ten different programs were available, one of which did not require exercise. Bingo! 

There was no contract to sign, so I told the health coach I would try this for one month to see if it was what I was looking for. I was on a program for one week and lost 4.4 lbs. This was the simplest thing I had ever done. I called my health coach to ask whether I could become a coach although I was not at my goal weight. 


The program has four components: coaching, community, education and nutrition. I eat five small meals and one “lean-and-green” meal each day. 

I was not hungry, and my energy level was unbelievable. I felt so good — and this was only the first week. 


Through the education provided as part of my program, I’ve had to face some hard truths about myself to grow past some of the mindsets I had about food. I’ve learned that fighting for my health is not a “won-and-done” process, but rather a lifelong journey that I must continue each day. 


My energy level is better than good; it is absolutely wonderful. I am so much more comfortable in my own skin. You could say that I am the better version of myself. Physically, I’m 91 pounds lighter. I am off all medication and pain free with no more knee injections. 

Mentally, I’m in a much better place. I take pictures with family and friends, and there is no more retreating to the back row or hiding behind the kids. There is no physical activity I shy away from; I can do anything I desire to do. Now that is true freedom! 


If you are thinking about losing weight and getting healthy, act on that thought. I have not once coached a client that said, “I wish I had waited to lose weight and get healthy.” 

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