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Get an hourglass waist with these power moves

We all have something to work on or a goal to reach when we work out. For instance, I’ve always prioritized developing my abdominals. After having my daughter, I became self-conscious about my stomach and waistline, especially my stretch marks, but I have since learned to accept, and even embrace, them and use this motivation to fuel my workout goals.

My favorite workouts are for slimming and sculpting the waist, so here are some exercises that consistently have produced spectacular results for me:


Hip dips can be performed in numerous ways, from regular planks to side planks and everything in between. Each will help you reach your objective of developing a strong, toned back, which is absolutely necessary. A wonderful method to challenge yourself during your workout is to perform side planks with one leg raised. This will put your core through its paces. You should incorporate this move into your routine for increased flexibility. If you are just starting, try three sets of 15.


With this twist on a tried-and-true abdominal exercise, you can finally achieve that flat stomach you’ve always wanted. Because of the twisting motion of this workout, my obliques are looking and feeling better than ever. It’s a great sign that you’re working out hard when you can feel the burn in your muscles, but this is only a sign that you’re performing the exercise correctly. If you are just starting, it is best to begin by keeping both feet firmly planted on the ground for balance before working your way up to lifting one foot off the ground at a time. Start with three sets of 20.


This exercise is proven to be the best choice for sculpting your abs. Doing some form of cardiovascular exercise will help you shed excess fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Bicycle crunches are great for getting your heart rate up, improving your flexibility and making you more stable due to the constant action. This technique will target the abdominals as well as the obliques, which are located on the side of the abdomen. Plus, as you work on your core, you’ll also be strengthening your legs. You can develop more powerful thighs by performing cycling motions, but you should be careful not to overdo it. If you are just starting, try doing three sets of 20.


Those seeking an hourglass figure will find this exercise very beneficial. It’s a great way to get in a little bit of exercise without pushing yourself too hard. Constant movement while isolating the obliques and front abs (rectus abdominis) is all it takes to trim the love handles. Try three sets of 30.


This exercise is very versatile and strengthens the core along with the obliques and spine. This move is outstanding when used as a cooldown. You’ll feel a great, deep stretch in your muscles as you continue to work them out. Be careful not to go overboard with the weight. Find a weight that is comfortable and try three sets of 20.


The flexors in your body will thank you for doing this wicked exercise. Yes, we are talking about sculpting our abs, but this workout is a gold mine. Just like other forms of core training, this one helps you build strength and stability in your back and torso. What I like best is that strengthening your core has a positive effect on your hip flexors, too. The hip flexors can be strengthened with targeted stimulation. Just take it easy until you get the hang of it. The position might feel odd at first, and that is totally normal. Strengthening your hips will prevent you from experiencing future hip pain. Triangle crunches are a great way to strengthen your abs and relieve joint strain. Just beginning? Try three sets of 15.

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