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Give yourself a time out

Caring for others well being begins with being good to ourselves

Self-care has become a bonafide buzzword. If you search, the hashtag on Instagram is used over 45 million times. But true self-care is more than just a pampering session or indulgent purchase. Taking care of yourself is a necessity.

‘Whenever I have a free moment, I feel mom guilt — like I should be catching up on laundry or the million other things on my to-do list. But remember, we can’t pour from an empty cup.’

As women, we are natural nurturers. We put so much effort into ensuring everyone around us is OK that we frequently forget to care for ourselves, which can be detrimental to our mental and physical health. The most common excuse we use is, “I don’t have time.” I get it; I’m guilty myself. Whenever I have a free moment, I feel mom guilt — like I should be catching up on laundry or the million other things on my to-do list. But remember, we can’t pour from an empty cup. 


Social media may make it seem like you must make indulgent purchases or lavish spa appointments, but you don’t. Figure out what works for you. If waking up 10 minutes earlier a day to have a moment of self-reflection is your thing, cool! Self-care will look different for everyone. It doesn’t have to be complicated, time-consuming or expensive. 


Once you’ve figured out what will work for you, determine how and when you will do it. For something to become a habit, you must do it frequently and consistently. Treat self-care like any other item on your to-do list. Add it to your calendar if necessary. If you’re Type A like me, a visual reminder will make you want to get it done. 


Now that you’ve defined what your self-care will look like and how long you need to set aside each day, what if something comes up and you don’t get to it? It’s OK. Instead of beating yourself up for not getting it done, try again tomorrow. No judgment or guilt trips necessary. 

Remember that you are someone who needs to be taken care of, too, and taking care of you ensures you’re able to take care of those who depend on you. 

Ariel Chamberlain is a mom and lifestyle blogger based on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Connect with her via Instagram (@thelemonsoflife1), her blog ( or by email at  

Written by Ariel Chamberlain

Ariel Chamberlain is mom and lifestyle blogger based on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Connect with her via Instagram (@thelemonsoflife1, her blog ( or by email at

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