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GCW photo contest: Dad, you’re the best!

What is a dad? He’s the man we can always count on for support, guidance and practical advice. He’s the guy who seems to have all the answers and never hesitates to share his wisdom with those he loves most. To many of us, our dad is simply our hero.

Dads have a unique bond with their daughters, marked by cherished memories and invaluable lessons learned. In honor of Father’s Day on June 16, we invited our readers to share their favorite photos capturing the essence of their relationship with their dads. We were truly moved by the joy, laughter and profound connection we saw in these special moments.

Join us in celebrating some of these remarkable fathers and daughters:

Submitted by Heather Rafferty

“To know my dad was to know one of the most authentic human beings to walk this Earth. It is he who I can thank for never being afraid to be exactly who I am, as well as the gift of never taking life too seriously. I’m thankful for the way he encouraged my goofy nature and young, free spirit. Cancer stole his body, but his legacy lives on in me and his grandchildren and all the laughter he brought to all who knew him. We love you, Ed Rafferty, and miss you every day.

– Heather Rafferty


Submitted by Carla Evers

“I am grateful that God saw fit to send me to my dad. He is an incredible dad who always put his family’s needs ahead of his own. He is there for our family no matter what! Last year, we were able to host dad’s first-ever birthday party at the age of 76. When we all stood around and sang the birthday song to him, it moved him to tears. It was at that moment I realized how important it is to celebrate your loved ones while they are here. I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He is my first hero! I love my dad dearly. Signed, Daddy’s Little Girl.”

– Carla J. Evers


Submitted by Rissa Iris Williams

“I am grateful for my father because of how he raised me to be an independent woman who didn’t need a man, but also taught me how to respect the man who comes into my life. My father set the standard for the type of man I wanted in my life. First and foremost, my father is a man who honors God. He believes in unity and is an advocate for bringing the youth of the community together to end violence. He would always find ways to provide for our family, and no job was beneath him. He works with his hands to fix things around the house, and if he can’t do it, he will research it until he gets it right. My father is now a grandfather, and he embodies that title to the fullest. He also protects his family no matter what.”

– Rissa Iris Williams


Submitted by Demi Paris Chotto

“I am grateful for my dad because despite any troubles, he’s always there for me. He goes out of his way to make me happy, and I couldn’t be more blessed to have a father like him. With a kind heart and soul, he is one of the funniest people I know. My father is truly one in a million.”

Demi Paris Chotto


Submitted by Chantelle Lynn Tiblier

“My dad was my first true love and has always been such an important role model in my life. He is my biggest cheerleader. He has always supported me in my decisions and given me the confidence to be able to stand on my own two feet. I love him with my whole heart. He is always there to help anyone who needs him, and he’s a ‘lover’ of people. He never meets a stranger. He is one of the best men I know, and I am so proud to be his daughter. I love my daddy.”

– Chantelle Lynn Tiblier

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