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New to exercising?

Try these 10 beginner bodyweight moves

For the lovely ladies who are interested in kickstarting an exercise routine but feel unsure where to begin, a simple bodyweight routine is a great option. These exercises don’t require any equipment, making them great for anyone who is just starting out or getting back into shape. Plus, they’re super fun and will get you moving!


A classic ab workout is ideal for beginners, and planking is great for your spine, which will promote better posture. Always check your form for the best results. When I started, I did three sets for 30 seconds and gradually moved up to three sets for 60 seconds. Planking will engage postpartum belly fat, and it’s great for boosting core strength and providing a great full-body workout.


Side planks have amazing benefits for your back and work several muscles at once. This exercise is great for your hips, shoulders and side abs (obliques). Need help with balance? Do planks at least once a day to see improvement. If you’re just starting, try three sets of side planks for 30 seconds.


This exercise will help you get abs faster. Alternating jackknives is an excellent low-impact, abdominal-strengthening exercise. I also use side jackknives to sculpt the obliques. If you’re just starting out, try three sets of alternating jackknives 20 times per leg.


Trying to get rid of love handles you don’t love? Side crunches activate the internal and external abdominal muscles. This exercise is great for sculpting the stomach, allowing you to get curvy in all the right places. Try three sets of 20 if you are just starting out.


This exercise is great for your core, too. Leg raises help strengthen your abs while stabilizing them, and they also can help reduce back pain. I did the high jump in high school, so this is my favorite workout. Having good balance and control over your body’s movements can really promote your progress. If you are a beginner, try three sets of 10 and add more over time.


Give your upper abs some love with bicycle crunches. This is a great workout for beginners because while doing the cycling motions, you are engaging multiple muscles, from your upper abs to your obliques and thighs. Hamstrings and quads also are getting some action; you can do three sets of 20 and feel the burn afterward.


This is an excellent exercise for working multiple muscles at once, and there are ways to modify it to suit your fitness level. When I started, I did one leg at a time. You can still feel the burn, and it’s a perfect way to start until you get comfortable doing more. If you are a beginner, try three sets for 30 seconds.


Trying to get rid of cellulite? Try lateral lunges, which burn the fat in your inner and outer thighs. While most exercises are done standing in one place or from front to back, side lunges help with your balance as you go from side to side. Adding this exercise to your fitness routine will truly work every area of your body, even those you don’t target often. Trying this exercise for the first time? Do three sets, 15 times on each leg.


This move is all about the glute muscles — toning that booty while strengthening your core. This is a simple workout for beginners that delivers amazing results, and what girl wouldn’t want that? Fire hydrants target your hip abductors while keeping those joints healthy. Try three sets of 20 on each leg for bootiful results.


Pulsing itself is a workout; combine it with lunges, and leg day is complete. Pulsing while lunging will help you target your glutes and thighs faster. Pulsing dips also target and strengthen your hips. After doing this repetition for just a month, I noticed that I wobbled less and gained strength in my non-dominant leg. Try three sets of 15 on each leg.

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