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Low-impact exercise: Gentle on joints, big on benefits

With summer nearly here, it’s a great time to try some low-impact exercises. They’re gentle, yet effective, and perfect if you’re recovering from an injury, want a more mindful workout or are just looking for a change.

Let’s delve into all the great benefits of these routines, like helping your joints and boosting your mood. You may find that low-impact exercises are your new favorite way to stay active and feel great!


Pilates is awesome for your joints! It’s a low-impact exercise that focuses on controlled movements and good alignment. This helps make your muscles stronger and more flexible without overworking your joints. It’s especially great if you’ve got joint problems or are recovering from an injury. Plus, Pilates works your core muscles, which can make you more stable and less likely to get joint injuries. If you want a gentle but super-effective way to keep your joints in top shape, Pilates might be just what you need.


Golfing isn’t just a fun way to spend time outdoors; it’s also a fantastic low-impact exercise that’s easy on the joints. Unlike high-impact activities that can be tough on your body, golfing offers a gentle workout that can help improve flexibility, balance and endurance without excessive joint strain. The swinging motion involved in golfing engages multiple muscle groups, including those around the hips, back and shoulders, which can help strengthen these areas and reduce the risk of joint injuries. Additionally, walking the course provides a great cardiovascular workout without the jarring impact of running or jumping. So, if you’re looking for a relaxing, yet beneficial, way to stay active and keep your joints healthy, consider hitting the green.


Kayaking offers a wonderful opportunity to explore nature while providing a low-impact workout that’s easy on the joints. Paddling gently through calm waters engages the muscles without subjecting the joints to high levels of stress, making it an ideal exercise for those with joint issues or who are recovering from injuries. The rhythmic motion of paddling helps improve flexibility and strength in the upper body, especially in the arms, shoulders and back, while also providing a good core workout. Additionally, being out on the water can calm the mind, promoting mental well-being. Whether you’re gliding along a tranquil lake or exploring a scenic river, kayaking is a fantastic way to stay active, enjoy the outdoors and keep your joints happy and healthy.


Strength training is not only great for building muscle and boosting metabolism, but it’s also a low-impact exercise that’s gentle on the joints. Unlike high-impact activities like running or jumping, strength training exercises can be modified easily to suit your fitness level and joint health. It helps to improve joint stability and flexibility by strengthening the muscles around them, reducing the risk of injury. Additionally, as you build muscle, it can help support and protect your joints, which is especially important as we age. Whether you’re using dumbbells, resistance bands or body weight, incorporating strength training into your fitness routine can be a great way to stay strong and toned and keep your joints in top shape.

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