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Fit for the king

He died to set us free, as John 8:36 reminds us. And if the son sets us free, we are free indeed.

1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?”

So, we know from our scripture reference that our body is a temple and does not belong to us; it belongs to Him, and it is to be used for His purpose and glory. Not taking care of ourselves can hinder our service to him. Being fit for the king is not just about maintaining a specific weight or size. It is not just about nutrition, nor exercising daily and giving up the foods we love. Rather, it is continuously putting first things first, seeking God first and giving him control over our entire being — mind, body, and soul.

Trust in and dependence on God frees us from compulsive eating, as well as excessive planning. When we walk with Him in a position of surrender, this is when we come into true discipline and balance. Then, we can enjoy an abundant life. It is about giving God control of all and letting go of things that he says to relinquish. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it’s the Lords purpose that prevails.” What do we get when we lose control? We gain ‘God confidence.’

I worked hard for years to achieve and maintain that perfect weight and size that I had set for myself in my 20s all the way through my 50s. As I mature in Christ, I find the need to constantly surrender my old mindsets and unrealistic goals. I am now in my early 60s; I am enjoying life immensely, and I am not willing to starve myself like I did in my younger years. I have found true freedom in Him. My goal now is to the best I can be and allow Him to show me what he considers the optimum weight that will extend my life. I want to be fit for the king and run this race He has chosen for me, finishing strong.

We are all made uniquely in his image, a masterpiece, and there is a perfect and healthy physical state he has designated for each of us. It is time to give God the control and live intentionally, fully engaged. By losing control, we gain so much spiritual clarity and cultivate healthy bodies.

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Written by Robin Killeen

Robin Killeen is the founder of W.O.W. Women of Wisdom. Reach her at (228) 424-0098 and learn more at

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