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Four steps to creating a tidy, joyful workspace

Want to reduce stress, increase productivity and set yourself up for more joy and success in your career and personal life? Tidying your work environment will do just that. Here’s how to do it:


To achieve permanent results, finish tidying as rapidly as possible. Decide what support you need to make this happen and arrange for an initial, uninterrupted block of three to five hours to totally focus. Quickly schedule additional sessions if needed. You busy, work-from-home moms definitely will want some backup childcare.


For each item in your work environment, choose what to keep by asking:

  • Does it bring me personal joy? (e.g., your favorite pen)
  • Does it bring me functional joy? (e.g., a stapler that really works)
  • Will it bring me future joy? (e.g., tax-deductible expense receipts)


Following this order can be helpful: clothing (if uniforms or accessories are involved), books, papers, miscellaneous items and lastly, sentimental items. While everyone’s workspace is unique, miscellaneous items typically are subcategorized into office supplies (pens, scissors, tape, etc.), electrical items (like cords and digital devices), job-specific items (product samples, art supplies and such), personal-care products (cosmetics, medicines, etc.) and food (snacks). Gather everything in a given category or subcategory, ask the three joy questions above, keep what serves and delights and proceed to the next category.


Combat future clutter by deciding on a storage place for every single item you keep. Whenever possible, store items of the same category together in one place and use boxes of various sizes within desk drawers to organize office supplies, electrical cords, personal care products and snacks. Papers can be filed traditionally in drawers or stored vertically on shelves in labeled magazine holders. My favorite tip: Aim to completely clear your desk surface, then add inspiration with a favorite photo or vase of fresh flowers. Cheers to your success!

Heather Young, of Tidy and Calm LLC, is a professional home organizer, certified in the KonMari Method™ popularized by Marie Kondo. Reach her at