Don’t get caught unprepared

Your comprehensive caregiving guide

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Aging, whether it’s happening to us or our loved ones, tends to catch us by surprise. Although we all expect to get older and eventually need more assistance, we put off thinking about it until we absolutely must. And when that happens, we find ourselves woefully unprepared and underinformed.

Odds are that even if this topic doesn’t affect you now, it will. Most of us will either need a caregiver or become one at some point in our lives. And even if we don’t become caregivers ourselves, we may be called on to arrange professional care for a parent, spouse or someone else we love.

So, this special content is not just for current caregivers, but for those who will step into this role in the future. Inevitably, aging touches us all, and we hope you’ll use this guide to navigate its complexities with grace and understanding.